Saturday, February 23, 2008

10 Best Recordings - My recommendations

In this post I take a break from unusual and odd instruments, turning my attention toward ten of my favorite recordings for the past year. Some of these are new releases, but many are simply new discoveries.

Lush Life - John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman - Video - It took three years for Billy Strayhorn to compose this jazz standard, a piece that has become his signature composition. When he started to write this he was only 16, an unfathomable fact given the maturity and complexity of the lyric. This performance, featuring Johnny Hartman, is the performance by which all others are measured. His voice and phrasing were never better.

Strauss: Four Last Songs/12 Orchestral Songs - Video
Richard Strauss didn't actually write a piece called "Four Last Songs", the title given by the publisher was really just a statement of fact...These were his four last songs. Even the order was given by the publisher, though it is hard to imagine them placed in any other way. This is a piece, written by an old man at the end of his life, pondering the wonder of life and love as well as the ultimate question of the beyond. To me the ideal recording is yet to be made, but this classic release with Elisabeth Schwarzkopf is a gem. It was recorded at the perfect moment in her life, her voice still quite capable, yet she has gives the kind of performance that only comes through the wisdom of age.

Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet - Helen Callus , Philip Bush - Prokofiev wrote this in the mid 1930's for the Kirov Ballet, but due to pressure on composers from the Soviet Government, it wasn't performed as a complete ballet for several years. Prokofiev and others have used this complete ballet as the basis for several suites and reductions for smaller instrumentation. This Callus performance, scored for viola and piano, is a wonderful example of how Prokofiev's music shines when stripped to its essentials. Even though I wish the engineering on the recording were a bit better, the performance is top notch and well worth a listen.

Janácek: String Quartets - Schoenberg Quartet - For the first time listener it is hard to know what to think of Janacek, especially in his string quartets. These are works written by a man with emotions in full view, sometimes raw and tattered, other times in dreamy bliss. Janacek's love for a married woman 38 years his junior, forms the backdrop of virtually all of his music, but never more than in the Quartet #2, where parts of the music feel as borderline inappropriate as the letters he wrote her. There is an atonality here, but always balanced with themes of unbelievable beauty. I have many recordings of these quartets, but this recording is my favorite performance of these challenging works this year.

Chopin: Preludes Op. 28 - Jean-Francois Latour - Chopin is essential listening. No matter what else you have in your library you simply must have Chopin, and there's no better place to start than with the Preludes Op. 28. (If you don't have any Chopin in your collection now, you'll thank me once you get it!) His music has a simple beauty, always fresh and filled with a love of life, if not necessarily a life of love. I've listened to these pieces countless times, but this fresh new recording stopped me in my tracks.

Guitar Virtuosos Play Bach - Andres Segovia and John Williams - This release features two giants of classical guitar playing some of the most beautiful works for guitar that you could ever imagine, which may seem a little odd since they weren't even written for guitar originally! During the time of Bach there were no guitars as we know them today, though every culture of the day had some sort of variation on an instrument that is clearly a closely related ancestor. Since the guitar as we know it wasn't really established until the 1800's, the great classical guitarists often turn to transcriptions, such as these based on the music of Bach. I highly recommend this discs as an introduction to the classical guitar or as a disc to set the mood for an evening dinner or time by the fire.

Blues de Musicien - Pine Leaf Boys - Now for something completely different, which is something of an understatement considering my choices so far. There is something so raw and melodically adventurous in Cajun music, that my Swedish roots can hardly grasp what the Cajun culture must be like. I was raised on pickled herring. This is a burning hot gumbo! This is toe-tapping music, but it's so much more than that. Around that beat there's some amazing stuff going on here. If you love authentic Cajun, you'll love The Pine Leaf Boys!

Durufle and Faure Requiems - A re-release with David Willcocks, the Choir of King's College and the New Philharmonia Orchestra. Faure once claimed he wrote his Requiem "for fun", something you can't say about most other requiems, and the difference is clear. This is the Requiem of a composer who does not fear his god, a Requiem filled with beauty and hope. This recording of the Faure dates back to the late 60's, but there is no doubt it will be re-released for years to come, as it is simply the best recording out there.

The Best Of Andrea Bocelli Vivere - You know what I love about Andrea Bocelli? His charisma, magic and charm have brought the beauty of opera to a whole new crowd. This guy has sold more opera albums than virtually all of this years singers at The Met combined. You say you don't like opera? Give this disc a try and then we'll talk!

Stephen Hough's Spanish Album -

Theremin - You can play, but just don't touch!

It's the soundtrack for the end of the world as we know it, the musical accompaniment to a world where mankind is the main-course in an alien buffet. It's the ethereal sound of robotic benefactors from another world bringing us unimaginable technologies and the end of disease and famine. It's the wavering, piercing, soaring sounds of the Theremin.

Without doubt the Theremin is the great grand-dad of all that we know in electronic music today, from the earliest analog synthesizers of Bob Moog to Midi marvels such as the Continuum Fingerboard. All can trace their roots to the Theremin’s inventor, Russian physicist Leon Theremin (1896-1993).

Developed as early as 1918, it was truly considered unbelievable in it's day, as was seen as yet another sign that with the unfathomable capabilities of electricity and the human mind, science knew no bounds.

Even though the Theremin is celebrating it's 90th birthday this year, it can still boggle the minds of even the most jaded amongst us. Even beyond the mysterious sound, there is the way it's played. There are no strings, reeds, valves, mallets or fingerboard to touch, strike, blow on or into, or pluck. It's not an instrument you touch at all, as when playing the Theremin you are literally flailing your arms in the air, manipulating the unseen elements about two silver antennas.

As seen from the players perspective, the antenna on the left controls volume. As your hand pulls away from the silver loop, the note begins to play, drop your hand back, it stops. As your other hand dances in space toward the upright antenna to the right, the pitch soars up almost beyond the range of hearing. As your right arm pulls back, the dishes in the room begin to rattle from the rich, full, pure bass sounds of the Theremin.

For a short time in the 1930's RCA manufactured and sold Theremins with the promise that they could be played by anyone. They couldn't. Without a clear reference point in space, finding the exact pitch proved impossible. And the spacing between notes, especially in the upper registers, was so close, that merely taking a breath lead to faltering pitch.

Soon the Theremin was forgotten, a relic known only for the spacey wavering soundtrack of a grade B science fiction film, remembered more for it's camp value than it's ability to make music. Every now and then an article in an electronics magazine would offer plans to build your own Theremin, the chance to create your own soundtrack for an unknown world, but they rarely worked.

But in the 1990's something happened to bring the Theremin back from musical oblivion. One factor was certainly the work of electronic music guru Bob Moog, whose early synthesizers made musical history in the hands of Wendy/Walter Carlos. He's been making Theremins since he was a kid, and by the 90's was offering a truly high quality and affordable Theremin. Then there was the movie, "Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey", opening the eyes of a new generation to the entire bizarre and almost unbelievable tale of Theremin and his wonderful instrument.

The greatest Theremin player of all time was Clara Rockmore, a crippled violinist who saw a new pathway for music in Theremin's invention. Every time I hear her play this piece, The Swan by Saint-Saens, I am touched.

While there are now perhaps a dozen very good thereminists in the world, there is one that has taken the instrument to a different universe... the unlikely pixie of a performer, Pamelia Kurstin. In the video below be sure to listen to the end to hear her performance of Lush Life. It's an incredibly difficult piece to perform on any instrument. I thought it impossible on the Theremin.

By the way, I can't resist sharing one more version of Lush Life, even though it doesn't feature Theremin. This is, without the question, the best version ever recorded. This song has it all, and this performance brings out every drop of its power. Genius. Heart ache. A universal sense of love and loss. (Please ignore the video to this YouTube clip. It is, without doubt, the world's worst video set to the world's greatest song).

Buy Your Own Theremin

So now you have the Theremin bug and want to give it a try yourself, but what instrument do you buy? It is all subjective, but here are my choices in order of preference. These Theremins all feature antennas for pitch and volume, required for any serious playing. (Theremin Buyers Guide)

Moog Etherwave Theremin Pro - These are no longer being made, but they are well worth trying to find used if you have visions of Theremin grandeur. This is a great instrument capable of playing in any setting, from the concert hall to the VFW hall.

Moog Etherwave Theremin - The Theremin of choice for the casual to moderate performer. Relatively affordable. Keep an eye out for them used on Ebay.

Wavefront Technologies - I've never laid eyes on one, but some reputable experts talk glowingly of the tone and quality of these instruments.

PAIA Theremax - I've never built one, but once, while mentoring a student, he brought me a Theremax he had built. Simply put, it didn't work. That is most likely more a reflection on his lack of patience than on the quality of the instrument. It does have CV outputs for those who are set up for analog synthesis. Affordable.

Other Links - This is really all you need, a site filled with Theremin info and a Forum. Check out the forum for the latest info, as the website authors enthusiasm seems to have fallen a bit resulting in diminished posts. The forum members are taking up some of the slack.